Welcome to our news roundup. Here you will find a selection of current articles that focus on customer experience, user experience, design and more.
What Makes an Experience Seem Innovative? – UIE
This article by Jared Spool of UIE breaks down what makes an experience seem innovative. Referencing Apple’s genius bar Jared notes, ‘Apple didn’t invent making an appointment. Yet their approach to using it for customer service seemed completely innovative.’ How did Apple achieve this, and what can be learnt from their example?
How CX Will Help Power Autonomous Vehicle Adoption – IoT For All
As we enter into the fourth industrial revolution the automotive industry is reinventing the way we interact with cars, with brands like Amazon, Uber and Tesla all jumping aboard. This article notes ‘as smart car technology evolves, so will the way human assistance is interwoven within its customer experience.’ Read on to discover how CX will help power the future.
10 Awesome Lorem Ipsum Alternatives – Justinmind via UX Planet on Medium
A simple change that may have large implications – have you considered a different type to Lorem Ipsum? Using more interesting filler text, such as dialogue from popular TV shows, may well help you hold the interest of your clients and customers for longer. Read on for 10 great alternatives to Lorem Ipsum.
ExperienceLab is a research and design agency specialising in helping organisations understand their customer needs and creating innovative solutions that are designed to succeed.